Hi there! My name is Duncan Cummings! I wanted a website where all the stuff I've made over the years can be all in one place so here it is!
If you have any questions feel free to ask over email!

Ashden Uprising was my darling pet project from the start of 2023 till mid 2024.
It was concived as a speed focused platformer with platium-esque hack and slash elements.
The project is currently on hiatus with my university but I hope to revive it one day.
The link will take you to a google drive showing you all the work I did for it.

Rubedo was our team's submission for the pirate software jam 15. Its a simple digital card game themed around shadows and achemy.
I was responsible for writing the design documentation and making a physical prototype for playtesting.It's availble on itch.io as a browser game if you want to play it.

A pitch deck I created for university of a hypothetical Undertale inspired game.
I may make it a reality someday.

My humoursly titled undergraduate paper. Tackles the subject of designing effectly 3D playspaces as both tools for emergent gameplay and narrative design.
Also features a 7-page interview with the creator of Pesudoregalia.